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11.21.2011 Special Meeting Minutes
`               TOWN OF OLD SAYBROOK
        Harbor Management Commission
                302 Main Street • Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
        Telephone (860) 395-3123 • FAX (860) 395-3125
         November 21, 2011 Special Meeting Minutes

1.      Call to Order
Chairman Ray Collins called the Special Meeting of the Old Saybrook Harbor Management Commission to order at  5:00 p.m.

2.      Roll Call       
Ray Collins, Chairman
Les Bowman, Secretary
George Wall
Dave Cole
Dick Goduti
Keith Nielsen, DOCKO, Inc.
David Freed, GNCB

Ruth Hockert, Clerk

3.      Review contract with GNCB; plans going forward
David Freed, GNCB
Keith Nielsen, DOCKO

Ray Collins explained that he had gone up to DEP regarding the STEAP grant and its related permits and spoke with Susan Bailey. She said the existing permit is broad enough that working on the stone face/bulkhead is covered.

Keith Nielsen explained that as long as the permit does not specifically say  for example “600 feet of sheet pile” they will allow changes, although they may request a letter. He believes there should be a decision on what to do for the money available; come up with a master plan, this is what we can afford to build; this is what the town crew will do; this is what the contractor will do. The state will do a diminimus approval. Keith said that brings the discussion back to what the Commission feels is the most important work to do.

Ray Collins said he believes they talked about doing the south and east sides.

Keith Nielson said one of Dave Freed’s  specialties is figuring out how much steel would be needed. Keith feels that with care and attention there could be a reduction in the amount of steel needed. A precise plan would be needed.

Dave Freed said the Commission should think about what they want to do 5 years or further out so that the design allows for their future plans.

1.      Dredge – dredge 3 feet with a one foot overdredge; starting about five feet off the stone wall
        (Dick Goduti mentioned the possibility of partnering with Between the Bridges North in the future to keep costs down)
2.      Testing information – still need 4 more test holes Dave Freed will call Larry Bonin and get them done

        A Tentative Schedule distributed.

Keith Nielson believes the Army Corp permit may be fairly easy to get. If the permitting goes faster, then the work can start earlier.

Dave Freed envisions a “U” shape that concentrates on the south side

There was some discussion about whether the sheet steel will come all the way to the top or letting the stone be on the top.

Dave Freed wants to do a conceptual design and get a consensus from the Commission; preliminary design; then get some costs; then final design.

Ray Collins has not had the opportunity to meet with the new Selectman to see if the town will contribute. Ray suggests that the budget may be about
$ 300,000 since he cannot commit the town
                        No paving
        No woodworking

Dick Goduti said the base bid from the STEAP bid $ 1200  per foot based on
$ 250,000 and the submitted bids; Dick believes the Commission is looking at more like $ 1400 per foot. $ 250,000 divided by $ 1400 would do just the south end

Keith Nielson suggests that the day the test pits are dug, they should do a little more arm waving and decide where the high priority areas are.

Dave Freed again said he would call Larry Bonin.

Dick Goduti said he believed another $ 50,000 would bring the sheet pile around the corner. Dick is trying to get the Harbor Commission to commit to spending some dollars. Ray Collins felt that until the Commission had an idea of the cost of the project it would be hard to commit to a dollar amount.

Ray Collins felt that Larry Bonin could tell them while he is digging the holes, what he can do and what he can’t do.

David Cole said he thought they needed to go down and the how much the grade has been raised with the millings. He wonders if the level of the wall needs to be raised.

David Freed says he feels he needs to know how much the Commission is willing to spend.

Keith Neilson asked  that Ray Collins work with the Selectman regarding funds and Keith and Dave  Freed will work with Larry Bonin and try and come up with a drawing. Keith says when it goes to bid, he might start with a base bid and alternate bids for more flexibility. Keith says he know of two contractors in the area who could do the sheathing and also build stone walls with the stones removed from where the

Dick Goduti would like to have a special meeting with the new first selectman to find out if the town is willing to make some commitment or if the Harbor Commission is going to have to commit their own dollars.

David Cole asked about the rip rap on the north end. Keith Nielson said it would take 8 months to get a permit to do the rip rap and he does not recommend putting their time and efforts into that end of the project.

Les Bowman asked about tasks. The following were identified.

The clerk will provide copies of the permit and extension letter to Keith Nielson

Keith Nielson suggests meeting again in 3 weeks.

Charles Brown at GNCB  will be the structural engineer helping out with the project.

Dick Goduti asked if the Commission would need a permit to do work on the docks. Keith Neilson said DEP allows 25% repair of what is there without a permit.

Keith Nielson said if they need to do any permitting, he suggests doing all the permitting at once. He said right now there is a very sympathetic permitting agency in place,
Dick Goduti believes there are 14 pilings needed to help stabilize the ramps. He wonders if it makes sense to do the pilings at the same time.

Keith Neilson will count pilings when he is down there as well as looking at the whole project.

4.      Adjournment

        Motion – David Cole moved to adjourn at 5:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Ruth Hockert, Clerk